Play video game. Love the music. Move to Japan. Join the band.

That’s more or less what happened to Steve Laity. And look how happy he looks as a result:

Guitar Vader group photo from pixelsurgeon

The unadulaterated photo accompanies an interview with Guitar Vader (the band in question) on the pixelsurgeon website. Here is a quote from Steve taken from the interview:

First of all I can’t believe that I am actually playing with Guitar Vader… My brother and I have been Guitar Vader fans since the first Jet Set Radio. I came to Tokyo after College to work on building with my good friend George. Guitar Vader has been a huge part of that effort. I am so happy to be in the band.

And in response to the question “Do you have any really obsessive fans?”, Miki (one of the original members of the band) says:

Steve, because he joined us he is crazy.

I can really relate to this story. I too fell hard for Guitar Vader after hearing their songs while skating around in Sega’s original cel-shaded video game masterpiece Jet Set Radio. (It’s one of my all-time favourite games.)

Guitar Vader’s music really set the feel for the game and I soon imported a few of their CDs (“Wild at Honey” and “From Dusk”). It was after searching for Guitar Vader videos on YouTube that I noticed an unfamiliar new face in the band and that started the investigation that lead to this post!

Places to eat in Perth

I recently added a list of places to eat in Perth to my Guides page.

It’s just a list of restaurants that I have been to and that I thought needed a mention (not always in a positive way). Having a list of restaurants is pretty handy when trying to decide on where to go. Especially since many closed one day of the week and I have awful luck in (seemingly often) turning up on that very day!

So that I can remember where to go when I visit Sydney, I’ve also included a small number of places I used to frequent when living there.

If you have any comments or suggested additions please let me know.

WordPress statistics plugins

Coming from using b2evo for blogging at ViSLAB and OneTwenty, I was a little disappointed that WordPress (unlike b2evo) doesn’t have any built-in statistics aggregration or visualisation.

Since I’m the curious sort (and I like to see if people are actually reading my blog posts), I spent a bit of time looking into WordPress statistics plugins. Unfortunately there doesn’t seem to be any free “standard” plugin the everyone uses, so I had to conduct my own review.

Google Analytics seems to be popular and I saw a few WordPress plugins that integrate the service, but I don’t really want to use external statistics tracking. For internal statistics tracking, I found a few tools that looked promising:

  • Lightstats looked good, but I wanted cold numbers rather than fancy graphics. I was also a little concerned about the load it might put on this (old, old) server.
  • Quickstats seemed tidy and popular, but a little too simplistic for me.
  • Firestats looked rather impressive and I did go to the trouble (not much) of installing it and checking it out. It worked without a hitch despite the highly visible “this is beta software; use at own risk!” warning on the homepage.
  • Counterize is something I came across while installing Firestats. (Firestats asked if there was pre-existing counterize data it could import). Looks good, but I didn’t try it out because I finally settled on…
  • WP-SlimStat! It looked great, but I initially had trouble installing it on WordPress 2.0. It actually broke the rest of the blog when enabled! According to various forum posts, this seemed to be a common problem. I found this post on deep jive interests that resolved the problem and it now runs fine (and looks great!)

I’m happy with WP-SlimStat thus far. It integrates SlimStat which is based on ShortStat, which is the same code that a popular commercial statistics package, Mint, is based on. (All this is mentioned in the deep jive article I mentioned before).

I hope this helps someone else looking for a decent statistics package for WordPress. If you find something better, please let me know and I will add it to this list!

Competing with piracy by packaging cheap controllers?

As another video game console lifecycle comes to an end, the ease in which people can pirate games has pretty much reached its limit. Modchips for all major consoles are fairly reliable, and there are a number of software modifications to choose from for those uncomfortable with a soldering iron.

Now I’m supremely confident that most people playing games in Australian are not playing pirated games. However, I also get the feeling that there is a fairly large group of people that have very few qualms about using pirate software if it is readily available and easily accessible.

New consoles are good for publishers in this regard. Piracy is much less accessible on a new platform that hasn’t yet been (economically) hacked. However, these consoles will eventually get hacked, and piracy will eventually take hold upon the group of people predisposed to it. So how does the video game publisher reach this audience? I think the answer could lie in cheesy custom controllers.

Could you imagine playing Virtua Cop without a light gun? Virtual On without the twin sticks? Beatmania without the turntables? Dance Dance Revolution without the dance mats? Samba de Amigo without the Maracas? Steel Battalion without the insane control deck including two sticks, dozens of buttons and switches, and three foot pedals? Taiko Drum Master or Donkey Konga without the drums? Guitar Freaks or Guitar Hero without the guitar controllers?

I can imagine it, and it’s boring. Really, really boring… and difficult to control. And it just doesn’t feel right. So this really is a case of missing out on the “whole experience” when you only play the pirate version. That said, if the controller is too unique, too bulky, or too expensive, people won’t buy it. Samba de Amigo and Steel Battalion didn’t even make it to Australia because the controllers were too big and the anticipated market for these games was too small. Video game manufacturers need to make appealing novel controllers, and they need to make them cheap.

I wonder if this is what Nintendo had in mind when they designed the Wii controller to accept addons. This got me thinking. Their nunchuk attachment isn’t cheap, but it should come packaged with the console. The classic controller is a bit more complex, but maybe all important circuitry is in the Wii controller. The zapper shell? Well, that’s got to cost them all of a few dollars!

And what about this thing? This piece of plastic with no electronics! This thing that just makes the controller feel a bit like a driving wheel! It’s pure genious! When the game it comes with drops to a bargain, someone is going to shell out for that controller add-on even if they can get a pirate copy of the game. Someone I say!

If Nintendo can make more experiences dependent on something that is harder to copy than a DVD, they might be able to make piracy a little less of a concern.

Final thought: You cannot rock out in Guitar Hero without the guitar controller.

Recent YouTubings

Just a few things I saw on YouTube recently that I wanted to post here:

Finally, so as to not let Google Video out in the cold, anyone who hasn’t seen this compilation of Japanese ISUZU Gemini commercials from the 80s needs to check it out now. The music, the choreography, the general awesomeness is… well… awesome!