I like doodles.
I’m thinking of adding an oekaki message board to the OneTwenty server… would anyone out there use it?
I like doodles.
I’m thinking of adding an oekaki message board to the OneTwenty server… would anyone out there use it?
I like doodles.
I’m thinking of adding an oekaki message board to the OneTwenty server… would anyone out there use it?
Note: I thought that this was a funny story until I told it to spinboy (who gave it a 3 out of ten). Maybe it’s something that you need to have been there for, or to know the people involved. Tone gave it a 6… anyhow, here it is.
Heidi, Jim, and I decided to try out this new dessert parlour called Icey Ice. We had no idea what to expect, but the name was appealing. After perousing their menu for a while, we ordered. Heidi and I asked for a Strawberry Snow Ice and Jim asked for a Watermelon and Strawberry crushed ice drink.
Seemed normal enough. Then just after Jim ordered, the woman behind the counter cocked her head to one side and glared at him. After a slight pause she said:
You want a drink?
Perfectly delivered in a you-can’t-be-serious kind of voice! She continued with:
This is your first time here right? Our specialty is Snow Ice. You can get a drink anywhere. Nowhere else does Snow Ice… Are you suuure you want a drink?
We were flummoxed. Jim wanted to buy something and he absolutely got told off by the salesperson! Things don’t work like that! However… her argument made sense… and Jim changed his order to a Mango Snow Ice.
In other news, Snow Ice are pretty good. They taste like the sound of butterflies in a fruit orchid on a cold winter morning… (hmmm, that only sort of makes sense) … oh, and we got a plush Icey Ice mascot with our order. Jim kept it as a momento of his getting told off. 🙂
A very quick post. GameTraders Carillon City are selling Playstation 3 consoles for $799 until the end of the month. That’s $200 off RRP! Dharmesh (the owner) is crazy! Crazy I say!
GO3 was an awesome experience; it was only 3 days, but it really felt like a week!
The main highlight for me was definitely the conference. I played a strong role in suggesting potential speakers and the final line-up contained a lot of game developers that I really admire (and some that I now have a new level of respect for). My favourite talks were very introspective and honest, and communicated the internal processes which go into designing and developing games.
I hope to find time to write more about the conference, but for now I’ll direct you to the PerthNorg GO3 blog and PALGN’s excellent coverage, and post a few photos.
Note: Keep reading to see some photos. Also check out the photos on Hideo Kojima’s blog!
I’ve posted before about Interzone Games possibly setting up in Perth. Since then… they have… and I’m working for them.
Due to an NDA I can’t really say much more than that. However, I can provide a few (publically available) details on the company and some general feelings on what it’s like to work for the only large games developer in Perth. Here’s all I’m going to say about the company:
Interzone Games is an MMO publisher based in the USA with a development studio (its first) here in Perth. It recently announced that it’s licensing BigWorld (an MMO middleware platform).
So I guess that gives you some idea of the company I work for and the technology I work with. Now for some general feelings. Hmmm… it’s pretty exciting to be working for a new company. People are joining every week and this creates a very dynamic work environment. Being part of a company in these early stages provides a unique vantage point from which to view the company’s growth, and I appreciate this opportunity.
Note: Wow. I just read this post and it came off as really dry. It’s not really; I’m just not sure what to say!
It’s been a long time since my last post (and even that one was quite a bit after the one before it). I will try to post a bit (over the next week or so) about recent goings-on including:
As you can see, a lot of things have been happening recently and really cutting into my internet time. I don’t expect to have much time for posting in the near future, but if you add me to your feed reader or keep reading Planet OneTwenty, I’m sure to pop up now and then. 🙂