Adventures in Albany (and surrounds)

Just some quick comments and photos.

It’s been great spending time down here with Heidi (and my sister who is visiting). I have a feeling that these six months will pass very quickly. 😉

What the heck is that? A whale fetus?!:

And then she said “I’m not beached, I’m just sunbathing!” (har har):

Koala’s are really cute! Or it is a Tasmanian Devil?:

It may not look like it, but we’re pretty high up (something like 40m):

The tree-top walk is less “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon” than I imagined:

My power-up rage obviously charred the inside of this tree:

Heidi managed to run through this tree, but it was a bit of a stretch (har har):

My sister tried diving through it, but she got stuck:

Note: I love cheesy photos. Look forward to more of them! 😉

WTF Interzone Entertainment?!

Seriously, what is wrong with you Interzone Entertainment?!

First this story breaks out on Kotaku and tsumea that you’re sending Mike Turner down to pick up assets from the Perth Studio so that you can contract someone else to finish the game (rather than pay existing staff what they are owed in unpaid wages, entitlements, and superannuation).

Now I’m hearing reports that Mike has turned up in the dead of the night to change the locks (which I assume was done illegally given that Mike just recently resigned as company director, and I can’t imagine that the building owner was informed) and take all the computers.

He was stopped by the police. The police!?! What are you doing Mike? Seriously, what the hell are you doing? Please come to your senses and stop playing any role in this insanity. Anyone asking you to perpetrate illegal or questionable actions probably hasn’t got your best interests in mind.

Update: Okay, I’ve calmed down now. I’m not making any claims regarding the authenticity of this information or the legality of any actions taken by any individuals. This just completely blew my mind. Read up on it elsewhere.

Finally back online (in Albany!)

Heidi and I moved down to Albany on the weekend and we’ve just got online. Yay!

The hospital where Heidi works has arranged for a great little apartment for us. It’s fully furnished and equipped (so we were able to just drive down with clothes, computers, etc.) and we’re able to keep cats! It also has a good view of Albany (although the ocean view is blocked by a tree).

The view from our apartment:

Brucey Goosey looking rather vacant:

Princess Mao Mao:

Gosh, these images took a while to upload. The Internet connection is only 512kbps (around 3% of the speed we’re used to). Hopefully we can arrange for something faster. 😉