Snapshot Exhibition opening tomorrow night!

Simon and I will be opening our Snapshot Exhibition tomorrow night at YMCA Headquarters in Leederville.

I’ve been working on the object composition pieces today in preparation. I didn’t mean to leave it so late, but I’ve been sick.

Here’s a photo of some of the finished pieces:


Can you spot the cat?

Thanks to Ellen, Jeremy, and Jim for coming over (on late notice) for photos.

Philip Brocuom on intellectual property

I came across this article by Philip Brocuom on why the concept of intellectual property is unsustainable given that we have the techonology to freely and cheaply copy digital media.

It follows a line of thinking that I’ve thought through before (albiet without the Star Trek references), and I’m glad that he’s written such a straight-forward post (so I don’t have to!).

My only addendum would be that we should keep in mind that most copyright rulings are based on leglisation that is horrendously out of date, and that the intellectual property legislation passed now may be used to limit real-world replication in future (thus unethically maintaining unnecesssary socio-economic divisions).

I feel that the onus is on us to ensure that we do not pass laws that protect current commercial practise at the expense of future social and civil progress.

The Pen

I showed Heidi’s brother Xtranormal and he quickly created this brief drama:

He was pretty taken with the novelty of text-to-movie and the library of available gestures (especially the one-arm flourish at the end).

It’s good to be programming again

Those who read my blog regularly, will know that I’ve been developing Flash applications using haXe. It’s been very rewarding.

Each programming language and API has a certain way that it wants you to write code. There are many different ways to approach problems and implement systems, and it’s much easier when you are working with the language/API rather than against it.

Learning a new language/API may sound very technical, but it feels very human to me. Another person (or people) designed the system and learning about it means learning about them. Every detail of the system communicates aspects of their motivations, experiences, and personalities.

Sometimes it’s clear that the system was designed to solve a specific problem. You can usually date when the system was developed, because it reflects what was feasable (on computer hardware) or fashionable (in programming circles) at the time. It’s also pretty easy to see when one developer left and another took over.

Many systems are effectively clear summaries of accumulated knowledge from decades of prior research and development, or years of consistent implementation. If you’re very lucky, you witness an intellectual epiphany embedded right there in the system design. It’s a great thing to share in.

I’m just recently started to form a good understanding of haXe and Flash (9+) and I greatly respect the many authors, designers, and contributors of both.

Headspin Storybook

I came across Headspin Storybook via this Rock Paper Shotgun post.

It’s gorgeous and charming, and had me similing almost immediately. After a little while I was enamoured and I could feel my eyes involuntarily widening.

Here’s a screenshot of the game (from their website):


I was reminded that a simple concept combined with complementary art and music can really make a game (and that flash is a great accessible platform).

(Minor) OneTwenty design update

We decided to put something a little more meaningful on the main OneTwenty website and also created a logo for our planet.

Here’s a screengrab of the new homepage:


Thanks to Jim for all the html and css work.

In related news, moonmoon is easy to administer (no cron required), looks nice, properly handles embedded videos, and is very easy to theme.

Any PIGMI members out there think Planet PIGMI should make the switch? 😉

We didn’t start the flame war

omg! it’s just like teh internats, lol:


Predictable, but on the mark.

I was going to write something about how “Internet culture” is incredibly immature, low-brow, and homophobic. Then I figured that it’s just a plain reflection of the personalities of the people on the Internet (or at least how they act when online).

Group mentality goes to a whole new level when you engage millions of people. Not a new thing mind you: that’s “culture” right? It just happens so quickly online. Internet “memes” can emerge overnight, but IRL “trends” are marked as seasonal, annual, or by decades.

(Hmmm… there are probably too many quotation marks in this post.)

Upcoming events

Simon (of fame), Minh (OneTwenty Events Organiser), and I met the other day to work out how to coordinate some social events around the upcoming GameJam (and into the future).

We went over some feedback from the most recent OneTwenty event and we decided on the following:

  • Community events will take place after work hours on the last Tuesday of every month (this seems to be the frequency that people want)
  • The next event (April 28) will be to introduce GameJam and get some teams together (so it will be somewhere a little quieter than a pub)
  • The one after (May 26) will be a GameJam wrap-up and community awards event (Simon likes to call them “achievements”)

Hopefully, the next event will be much like the 2006 Nullarbor Mixer at ECU. We had a great BBQ, a lot of new people came along, and small development teams were formed right then and there in the computer labs. 🙂

I’ll be restoring the OneTwenty Events website tomorrow, and we’ll put event details up as soon as we finalise venues, sponsors, and times.

Update: The next event will be at eCentral TAFE, and it (and future events in general) will be organised as part of the Let’s Make Games initiative. So we won’t be restoring the old OneTwenty Events website. Look for more details over at Let’s Make Games.