Indie Games Scene: Showcase and Mixer

OneTwenty is pleased to present its next event. 😀


  • Title: Indie Games Scene: Showcase and Mixer
  • Time/Date: 7:30pm – 10:00pm, Tuesday April 14 2009
  • Location: The Velvet Lounge, 639 Beaufort Street, Mount Lawley
  • Description: Making games? Bring them along and show them off! Like games? Have a drink and check out the local scene! Entry is free, but please note that this is a licensed venue (no entry to persons under 18 years).

Here’s a flyer that you may see around town over the next week:


A .pdf version is also available for download in case you would like to print and distribute flyers (it’s crazy fun times)!

We felt that a lot of people in the local games industry wanted to have regular casual events, so we’ve scheduled in two events and we will continue with fortnightly drinks (every other Tuesday night; sometimes coinciding with bigger events) if these go well.

We hope to see you all there and I’d like to extend a huge thanks to Minh for organising the venue and advertising!

Note: If you are on facebook, you can confirm your attendance on the facebook events page.