It’s easy to create SVG files using Python. There’s no need for fancy rendering libraries. Just use a nice XML import/export library such as ElementTree.
This code:
# my favourite XML library
from xml.etree import ElementTree as et
# create an SVG XML element (see the SVG specification for attribute details)
doc = et.Element('svg', width='480', height='360', version='1.1', xmlns='')
# add a circle (using the SubElement function)
et.SubElement(doc, 'circle', cx='240', cy='180', r='160', fill='rgb(255, 192, 192)')
# add text (using append function)
text = et.Element('text', x='240', y='180', fill='white', style='font-family:Sans;font-size:48px;text-anchor:middle;dominant-baseline:top')
text.text = 'pink circle'
# ElementTree 1.2 doesn't write the SVG file header errata, so do that manually
f = open('sample.svg', 'w')
Generates this image (.png file rendered from the output .svg):
Note: I’m using something like this to generate nice diagrams for the next Let’s Make Games report, and figured that it may be of use to others.
Update: Fixed typo in code (missing parentheses).