Inspirational visions and failed leaders

Jennifer McKay has written an article for the ABC news website which begins:

A Melbourne University report says all of Australia’s energy could come from renewable sources by 2020 as opposed to the Federal Government’s target of 20 per cent.

Imagine that. An environmentally sustainable nation the size of Australia. Undoubtedly it would be the first in the world. That is an immensely inspirational vision, and the notion that it is achievable should ignite excitement and wonder.

The same sort of wonder that would have us reach for the stars, to create art and technology, and to truly advance society. It’s the sort of inspiration that once planted, should be nurtured by leaders, and grown into a brighter future.

Unfortunately, we don’t have leaders. We have politicians.

Elegant Playstation Moves

This extended tech demo video from TIME provides a great overview of the thoughtful design of the Playstation Move:

This video seemed like it would be a good follow up to my previous post on E3 2010. This demonstrates how the platform really is beautifully designed.

Sony have a very good internal research and development that have clearly learnt a lot from their experiences with the EyeToy (eg. people like to have something to hold, and a physical controller is required for precise input) on the Playstation 2.

I would love to see a graffiti art program (with the glowing ball indicating paint colour, and the analog trigger provides fine spray control) and a crime scene investigation game (using the devices to control cameras and forensic apparatus).

Via Videosift.