Microsoft is “jiggy wid it”, they’ve got the “411”

I was reading about My Xbox, Microsoft’s plans to integrate the Xbox 360, Xbox Live, and

The article I was reading provides details in the form of a dialogue between Clinton Fowler (the Program Manager for My Xbox) and Trixie (presumably the author of the article). I think that they’re trying a little too hard to appeal to their intended demographic.

Choice quotes:

  • “if you’ve already got your gamertag linked to a .NET Passport, you’re golden”
  • “what if I’ve been a bad little monkey and haven’t gotten around to linking my gamertag yet? Am I hosed?”
  • “What’s that “My X80x Rocks” thing?”

A few final thoughts. Firstly, I get the feeling that they expect “gamers” will be more comfortable with My Xbox because the Project Manager is an Xtreme downhill mountain biker, or BMX rider (… do they still call it BMX?), or whatever he is apparantly doing in his profile image.

Secondly, I’m not sure that I want to know about the “secret sauce of Xbox 360”. It just sounds icky and… ewh.