Places to eat in Perth

I recently added a list of places to eat in Perth to my Guides page.

It’s just a list of restaurants that I have been to and that I thought needed a mention (not always in a positive way). Having a list of restaurants is pretty handy when trying to decide on where to go. Especially since many closed one day of the week and I have awful luck in (seemingly often) turning up on that very day!

So that I can remember where to go when I visit Sydney, I’ve also included a small number of places I used to frequent when living there.

If you have any comments or suggested additions please let me know.

2 thoughts on “Places to eat in Perth”

  1. I once had an ambitious plan to review all the restaurants I ate in…then I moved to Melbourne and lost track of them all…but here are the Perth reviews I managed to squeeze out:

    Cool blog, always good to be updated on Perth happenings…

    btw I’m Coffeebucket’s girlf. and no, I didn’t write his website 😛

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