Upcoming events

Simon (of gamejam.org fame), Minh (OneTwenty Events Organiser), and I met the other day to work out how to coordinate some social events around the upcoming GameJam (and into the future).

We went over some feedback from the most recent OneTwenty event and we decided on the following:

  • Community events will take place after work hours on the last Tuesday of every month (this seems to be the frequency that people want)
  • The next event (April 28) will be to introduce GameJam and get some teams together (so it will be somewhere a little quieter than a pub)
  • The one after (May 26) will be a GameJam wrap-up and community awards event (Simon likes to call them “achievements”)

Hopefully, the next event will be much like the 2006 Nullarbor Mixer at ECU. We had a great BBQ, a lot of new people came along, and small development teams were formed right then and there in the computer labs. 🙂

I’ll be restoring the OneTwenty Events website tomorrow, and we’ll put event details up as soon as we finalise venues, sponsors, and times.

Update: The next event will be at eCentral TAFE, and it (and future events in general) will be organised as part of the Let’s Make Games initiative. So we won’t be restoring the old OneTwenty Events website. Look for more details over at Let’s Make Games.

2 thoughts on “Upcoming events”

  1. Sounds great! Especially looking forward to the event on April 28 and meeting some potential programmers to work with. I’ll pass word on to everybody at the campus once a time and place is set in stone.

  2. Awesome!

    In regards to the venue, you may not have far to go… (ominous music)

    We’re looking for somewhere with a lecture theatre, computer labs, and a BBQ. Hopefully, it will be ECU or Central TAFE (waiting to hear back from them today).

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