We’ve finally had our Internet connection upgraded from 512kbps to around 1-2mpbs. It’s still not that much, but the speed increase is noticeable. Hopefully this means that I will be able to do some web development work from home in Albany!
In other news, I bought Heavy Rain while in Perth (thanks Jason for the $74 tip). It’s an interesting take on interactive drama with clear heritage in adventure games. Unfortunately it’s incredibly buggy so far. Seriously, how did this thing make it past QA?!
You should subscribe to ecogamer’s rss if you haven’t done so already. They keep track of good deals going around.
Heavy Rain is a lot of fun. Thankfully it doesn’t seem to be AS glitchy later on in the game – or it didn’t for me at least. I really enjoyed it, but after you go back and play around with your earlier decisions…
Well, there’s not much more reason to play it.
where’s my kudos for asking them to price match and getting it down to $73 ;)?
Hmmm… oh here it is: KUDOS! 😀