Videogame Trivia Night (reminder)

This post is just a reminder for any Perth readers that the Let’s Make Games Videogame Trivia night is coming up soon (Tuesday week, June 30).

Be sure to get your tickets soon as we sold out last time! We do have more tickets available this time, but don’t get complacent! It’s late night shopping tonight and the city is open all weekend, so these are perfect times to buy. 😉

It’ll be a fun night for anyone interested in games. There will be a wide range of questions (so don’t worry if you’re concerned that you won’t know any answers) and a whole bunch of trivia night staples (door prizes, challenges, etc.) for everyone to enjoy.

Here’s a (new) flyer that really wants to be posted to blogs/forums, or maybe printed out and placed at your workplace, community centre, or local coffee shop (click image for .pdf file):


Finally, this is a non-profit event and all funds raised go straight back into the Let’s Make Games initiative to support the local game development community.

3 thoughts on “Videogame Trivia Night (reminder)”

    1. Thanks for the heads-up. Hmmm… looking into it. This is pretty odd. It only seems to appear in Google Reader? I’ve checked with Liferea and wget (raw file).

      Update: Looks like hidden hacks that only inject PHP when accessed by Google (search, cache, reader). 🙁

      1. Looks like it was hacked while I was away as meaningful summaries ended just after the “Off to Thailand!” post. 🙁

        Update: Fixed! curl was useful for this (eg. curl –no-sessionid –user-agent “Googlebot/2.1 (+”

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