I’m doing a school project about this and I need A LOT of these kind of photos. Is there any chance you would want to share them with me? :/
I promise I won’t use them for commercial purposes! It’s just that I have to fill 40 pages with this kind of stuff and I haven’t got a lot of time, so I would be reaaallly thankful!
So if you’d be ok with it; this is my e-mail: dzoingptat@hotmail.com
(or the one I entered to leave this comment, but I don’t know if you’ll be able to see that one)
your _face_ looks like a face!
Your mum’s face looks like a face. 😛
I love the middle row. They amuse me greatly.
Next exhibition maybe? I like to analyse car faces.
If you are into tagging faces, you may have already discovered the following via flickr, but this has caused me no end of amusement:
Thanks Brad. I’ve never seen their website before, but now I’ve totally subscribed to their RSS feed! 😀
Hey Nick,
I took this one today for you.
I’m doing a school project about this and I need A LOT of these kind of photos. Is there any chance you would want to share them with me? :/
I promise I won’t use them for commercial purposes! It’s just that I have to fill 40 pages with this kind of stuff and I haven’t got a lot of time, so I would be reaaallly thankful!
So if you’d be ok with it; this is my e-mail: dzoingptat@hotmail.com
(or the one I entered to leave this comment, but I don’t know if you’ll be able to see that one)
Good luck with your project. Have a look at: http://wtface.com/ 😉