Perth games industry survey

I’ve put a Perth games industry survey up at:

I announced the survey on the IGDA Perth and PIGMI mailing lists around 15 minutes ago and there have already been over 20 responses!

Here’s a blurb from the survey introduction:

The information gathered by this survey will be used to produce a Perth games industry profile document, which will summarise general characteristics and capabilities of the local industry. We want to facilitate organic and sustainable growth to help ensure a long-term future for game developers in Perth, and a clear objective assessment of the local industry is an important part of making this happen.

We want to hear from you if: you are in the industry, want to get into the industry, or even if you have left the industry. We will greatly appreciate if you could take the time to complete this survey.”

If you are part of the Perth games development community, please take a few minutes to complete the survey. I’ll present initial results at the IGDA Perth meeting tomorrow and put a more detailed report online in a few weeks.

I’ve put a Perth games industry survey up at:

I announced the survey on the IGDA Perth and PIGMI mailing lists around 15 minutes ago and there have already been over 20 responses!

Here’s a blurb from the survey introduction:

The information gathered by this survey will be used to produce a Perth games industry profile document, which will summarise general characteristics and capabilities of the local industry. We want to facilitate organic and sustainable growth to help ensure a long-term future for game developers in Perth, and a clear objective assessment of the local industry is an important part of making this happen.

We want to hear from you if: you are in the industry, want to get into the industry, or even if you have left the industry. We will greatly appreciate if you could take the time to complete this survey.”

If you are part of the Perth games development community, please take a few minutes to complete the survey. I’ll present initial results at the IGDA Perth meeting tomorrow and put a more detailed report online in a few weeks.

Update: Almost 50 responses so far! Thanks to everyone who participated. Please tell your friends!