Much like other people, I usually start the day by opening up my feed reader, flicking through headlines and opening up interesting stories in new tabs in my browser. I then peruse the tabs, closing them after I read the stories or if they are too disinteresting.
I leave the interesting tabs open so that I can blog about them. This usually works out pretty well, with just a few tabs to choose something to blog about. However the tabs have been piling up, so I decided to just post a whole bunch of links. Here goes!
- The BBC has a story on New Zealand’s sex industry after 6 years of decriminalisation. Looks overall positive, but a social stigma remains.
- Cursor*10 is an neat flash game by Yoshio Ishii of nekogames (japanese nekogames) fame. There’s also a sequel.
- The GNOME project is migrating to git (from SVN). Not a surprise, but it’s interesting to read their VCS comparisons and migration plan.
- Sky news is reporting on disturbing t-shirts made by Israeli soldiers. I don’t understand how things like this can be dismissed so readily.
- The ASUS EeeTop with touch screen looks neat. A cheap alternative to an all-in-one iMac. Still holding out for the EeeKeyboard with wireless HDMI.
I’ll have to post more about Yoshio Ishii in future. Rock, Paper, Shotgun and JayIsGames seem to share a fascination with him. Aside from his games, I’m particularly interested in his motion graphics work which he clearly labels:
This is not a game. In addition, not interactive. This is motion graphics movie. [Yoshio Ishii]
Awesome stuff! (Here are a few examples). I’m sure that there are other people I know who would like this stuff.
Cool, those games are pretty neat and simple. Have you seen Timebot? Seems like a similar concept to Cursor*10.
Heck yes! Yoshio Ishii motion graphics are really floating my boat, thx for posting these.