What do you collect? Work with a collection of objects you have in your home (or borrow a friend’s if you like).
This is actually the challenge for Day 5, but we decided to switch things around since today’s scheduled challenge would require us to go for a walk and it’s too late for that since we can’t leave a sleeping baby at home alone!
My first thought for this challenge was to do something with my video game collection. I also wanted to return closer to the theme of papercraft. I dug into a box of old games and picked out the game cartridge for Super Mario 64 – a landmark game that made a lasting impression on me.
I scanned all sides (rolling the curved side along the scanner as the sensor moved) and combined the scanned images into a flattened version of the cartridge. Taking that to the cutting board, I improvised some tabs for gluing and made a papercraft cartridge.
As a bonus creation, I decided to also scan Heidi’s collection of airline teaspoons. (There are some real gems in there, including Ansett Airlines.) I like how the heads of the spoons blur away in the scanned image.