Game Prototype 3

I showed my third game prototype to some ex-workmates today.

Thanks for the constructive feedback from everyone who played the game. I’m not sure that it has super-wide appeal… but that’s not really the end goal! πŸ˜‰

Unlike the first two game prototypes (which I decided to stop work on because they didn’t appeal enough to me) I’m going to put some more time into fleshing this game out. So there will be an update next Friday.

In related news, it’s been a productive fortnight and it feels great to be working alone – without the need for external consensus or funding. After an extended period of introspection earlier in the year, I feel that I know what I want to do; or rather, what I don’t want to do.

I don’t want to waste time working on things that have little intrinsic merit or that I have little interest in. I don’t want to produce shovelware, and I don’t want to do things that have been done before. Life’s too short.

Note: Thanks Andy for recently reinvigorating my interest in making games! πŸ˜‰

3 thoughts on “Game Prototype 3”

  1. Can I play the game please Nick? Thanks for the mention. I’m glad I inspired you. I think that’s half the reason to be involve in the indie scene hey? To encourage everyone else to make game. That’s what everyone in Perth does for me. So thanks for being around guys – gush gush πŸ™‚

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